We work directly with our student body to provide after school clubs and activities that students have interest in which will range from robotics and coding to art clubs and theater programs for all ages.
Information regarding registration, dates, and times will be posted in our weekly newsletter for the following clubs.
- Chess Club
- Creative Writing Club
- Dungeons & Dragons Club
- Science Olympiad
- Yoga Club
- 100 Mile Club
- MS Choir Club-Quarterly Social Hangouts
- Art Club
- Cubing Club
- Jazz Band
- Set Design & Musical Stage Crew
- The Kindness Squad
Dungeons & Dragons
Welcome to Dungeons and Dragons Club where we go on adventures and quests to claim victory and honor! A great place to gather with friends as well as make new ones and participate in campaigns.
We will host video game tournaments occasionally.
Invite your friends!
Any and all 6-8th grade students are welcome!
Cost: FREE
Mondays from 3:45 – 4:45 PM in Mr. Scadden’s class C114.
Please email Seth Scadden with any questions.
Click here to register for Dungeons and Dragons
Creative Writing Club
Calling all writers: Join the Soaring Heights Creative Writing Club! We will meet each week to sharpen our writing skills, get inspired, share ideas, and possibly even submit work for publication. While we will always have a warm-up and the opportunity to share and get feedback, the majority of each session will be spent as independent, uninterrupted writing time.
Who: Kids in 3rd-8th grade who love to write
When: Mondays, 3:30-4:00 beginning September 23rd and continuing through May 12th
Where: Kate Nelson’s room, A162
Cost: FREE
Bring: iPad or writer’s notebook and a pencil
Please make sure to sign up here. This allows me to create a parent contact list to use for communication.
Grades 2-5 Yoga Club
Dates: Mondays, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/24, 3/3, 3/10, 3/24,
3/31, 4/7, 4/14, 4/21, 5/5
Time: 3:30-4:30 pm (prompt pickup is appreciated)
Place: Meet in the hall outside the Music room
Cost: FREE!
If your child is signed up but will not attend, to please contact the office so their spot can be filled.
Bring: a yoga mat if you have one, a snack, loose
clothing to wear, and a positive attitude!
Click here to register for Yoga Club
We are excited to announce a new co-curricular MathCounts program. The MathCounts curriculum focuses on middle school math topics and teaches students how to dissect problems and learn techniques to solve them. The program culminates in a competition series at the end of the year that ranges from our local district to a nation-wide event. Please refer to the MathCounts 21-22 School Handbook for an example of their typical curriculum.
We will be meeting on Tuesdays, starting on September 17th, meeting in rooms C113 and C114 at 3:30pm. If you would like to join, please add yourself to the official roster via RevTrak.
Science Olympiad

Attention all Geniuses: Join the Soaring Heights Science Olympiad Team!
Joining the Science Olympiad is an exciting journey that lets you explore the wonders of science while having a blast! You’ll dive into thrilling experiments, solve intriguing puzzles, and make lifelong friends who share your passion for discovery. Plus, the long-term benefit is immense – you’ll develop critical thinking skills that will not only help you excel in science but also in all areas of your life. Don’t miss out on this incredible adventure; the Science Olympiad is where fun meets the future!
Who: 6-8th graders who have an interest in science, teamwork and competition
When: Thursdays, 3:30-4:30pm beginning October5th and continuing through April 11th
Where: Ms. Ellis room, C110
Bring: iPad, composition book (for keeping a journal), pencil
100 Mile Club

As 100 Mile Club participants, students track the miles they walk or
run during 100 Mile Club designated time at school and at 100 Mile Club sanctioned community events. This allows ALL students to participate and is a great way to combine all of their activities towards a common goal—walking or running 100 miles during the school year.
Soaring Heights PK-8 will be starting the 100 Mile Club starting Monday, Oct. 2nd. The 100-mile club will be on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Your student can attend any or all times. Please have your child meet at the flagpole in front of the school at 7:30 a.m. On inclement weather days students will walk inside the school.
The registration cost for 100 Mile Club is $25 per student per year.
Elementary Choir
The Elementary Choir class is a fun and engaging opportunity for students to explore the world of music and develop their singing skills. This after school club is specifically designed for 4th & 5th grade students and meets every Wednesday, starting on December 6, from 3:30-4:30pm. Ending after the final performance in March.
As part of the Songbirds Soaring Heights Elementary Choir, students will have the exciting opportunity to participate in two concerts. These concerts will showcase the hard work and talent of our choir, allowing students to perform in front of an audience and share their love of music.
Students will receive a t-shirt for performances. Performances are on February 1, 2024, after school at Erie High School for the Erie Choral Festival and on March 7, 2024 at Soaring Heights for the All-Choir concert with the middle school choirs.
This club will be run by both Mrs. Waskiewicz and Mrs. Chaudhri. There is a $25 fee associated with this club for music, event fees and the concert t-shirt.
MS Choir Club-Quarterly Social Hangouts
What: Soaring Heights MS Choir Quarterly Social Hangouts “Choir Club”
Why: To improve our choir community and bring together our singers from all the choirs. This program is hosting quarterly choir hangouts 4 times a year. These hangouts are optional, but encouraged.
Who: Soaring Heights singers who are currently enrolled in the middle school choir classes are invited to attend choir social hangouts also known as “Choir Club”, after school, once a quarter.
Social Hangout Q1: August 29, 2024 – 3:30pm-4:30pm (Games)
Social Hangout Q2: November 6, 2024 – 3:30-5:00pm (Movie)
Social Hangout Q3: February 25, 2025 – 3:00-4:30pm (TBD)
Social Hangout Q4: April 17, 2025 – 3:30-5:00pm (“Beach” End of the Year Party)
Where: Soaring Heights Choir Room
Cost: $0 – there is no cost to attend these hangouts, but students need to be registered in order to participate.
Considerations: Social hangouts will end promptly at the written time. Please ensure that your student has on time transportation from these events. No buses or transportation will be arranged for families. Families are encouraged to make connections and consider carpooling when possible. If your student walks or rides their bike home, please make sure to communicate that in writing before the event days.
Questions: Contact Mrs. Chaudhri at [email protected] or call (303) 702-8020 x31056
Art Club
When: Wednesdays – 3:30 – 5:00. Starting Wednesday Sept. 4th for the school year until April 30th which will be the last art club.
Where: Middle School art room.
How Much: $20 for the year. Scholarships are available.
Art Club is open to all middle school students who would like to make art after school in the Middle School Art Room. Wednesdays 3:30 – 5:00pm. Supplies for Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, and Ceramics will be available. Students are welcome to bring their own art supplies. Art Club is a place for students to work on individual or group art projects. Mentorship will be available for 8th grade students who are interested in building a visual art portfolio.
6th, 7th, and 8th students are welcome at Art Club.
Pick-Up time is 5:00pm.
Click here to sign up
Thank you to all of our Sponsors!
Cubing Club
Welcome to Cubing Club where Rubix cubes rule! A great place to gather with friends as well as make new ones and participate in friendly competitions. You do not need to know anything about solving cubes, we’ll figure it all out together.
We will teach you how to solve 3×3. We will watch tutorial videos as well as champions recordings, help each other, and hold friendly competitions and more….
Invite your friends! This is a “come as you are” place where we learn and have fun together.
Any and all 6-8th grade students are welcome!
Cost: FREE
Material needed: 2×2 and 3×3 cube – we have extras but not enough for everybody
Thursdays from 3:45 – 4:45 PM in Mrs. Clardy’s portable 85B.
Please email Sandrine Clardy at [email protected] with any questions.
Click here to sign up.
Jazz Band
The Soaring Heights Jazz Band is an after school club available to all 7th and 8th grade students with at least one year of experience playing a musical instrument. We will explore different genres of jazz music including swing, rock, latin and many more. The Jazz Band will perform alongside the Soaring Heights Band and Orchestra at three concerts throughout the school year and will travel to a Jazz Festival in Longmont in the spring. While the group is open to students who play any instrument, we have limited availability for drums, piano, bass and guitar. Jazz Band will meet on Thursdays from 3:45-4:30. Interested students should contact Mr. Ewer at [email protected] for more information.
Click here to sign up.
Set Design & Musical Stage Crew
Set Design Club & Musical Stage Crew
We are looking for responsible, creative and inventive middle school students to join us!
Set Design students meet after school on Tuesdays from 3:30-5:00pm. Students doing props and set design club meet starting February 25 and it ends on April 29.
Students who are interested in also being a part of the stage crew during the week of May 5-9 after school and for a full day of the performance on May 10th. Times to be sent out in April.
These are two separate opportunities that students can be a part of.
Interested 6th, 7th and 8th grade students must fill out both this form AND the google form here:
The Kindness Squad
The Kindness Squad is a 2nd- 8th grade, student-led initiative designed to spread kindness and positivity throughout our school community. The Kindness Squad will provide students with opportunities to lead and create kindness projects while promoting a supportive and welcoming atmosphere. Members of the Kindness Squad will meet monthly and cheer students into the school on Friday mornings.
Our two meetings for this year will be April 4 and May 2 at 7:40AM-8:05AM in the library.
Please click here to sign up.